Expert Services
Gozony LNC offers a complete array of professional medical counsel to assist Attorneys so they can focus on better serving the client—improving legal outcomes for all parties
Medical Record Analysis
We analyze cases with the expertise only professionals with 25+ years in the medical field can provide. This includes a search for, but not limited to:
Identify Breaches in Standards of Care
Analyze the Case for Merit
Assess for Missing Medical Records to Ensure Completeness
Scrutinize Damages and Causation for Personal Injury and Wrongful Death
Deposition and Trial
Once provided evidence has been collected and analyzed, we begin preparation to solidify an airtight defense and make valuable recommendations as expert nursing witnesses. With experience not just in the Healthcare Industry but also in the courtroom, Gozony LNC ensures that their presence is constructive and professional. We would never take a case we don't believe could be won.
Regulatory Compliance
As a Veteran Nurse of the U.S Military, I understand that regulatory compliance with standards is the cornerstone of all medical and healthcare practices. Adhering to Federal healthcare laws and regulations protects patients and clients from fraud and abuse in the healthcare industry. Driving our code of ethics, we believe protecting client rights and information is a priority along with their health and well-being.
Reporting and Documentation
We take efficient and detailed documentation to generate reports for our clients that are easy to understand and effective for use in court. Our familiarity with the healthcare industry and the courtroom lets us focus on winning cases through investigation, documentation, and presentation of the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.
Quick-Consultation is a service offered to Attorneys to speak with their potential client before the Attorney agrees to proceed with the case. Because I have first-hand knowledge of healthcare processes and procedures, I can quickly filter out the emotional component and get a clear picture of causation, saving Attorneys valuable time and money.
With our extensive experience in nursing and medical literature, we discern an in-depth understanding of Anatomy, Physiology, Treatment Options, Clinical Presentation, and Prognosis. With 25+ years of experience, we've seen the healthcare industry grow into its current standard. Thus, we make every effort to keep up-to-date with the latest treatments, giving clients a dependable source of knowledge in the courtroom.
© 2023 Gozony Legal Nurse Consultants